Droolees Ed - Written by Educators for Parents
Aiding and Abetting the Formation of Your Child’s Character
Posted by Droolees Ed Team on
Have you ever heard of the term, “You reap what you sow?” It certainly is true. Would you expect to reap fresh ripe apples after sowing seeds to an orange tree? Or how about reaping walnuts after sowing an almond tree? It sound ridiculous, doesn’t it! However, so many parents are sowing seeds that will ruin their child’s future, while at the same time expecting to reap a future of prosperity and happiness. Just as it is in the natural world so it is in the spiritual world. Parents must recognize and embrace the importance of character formation in...
As the Plant Grows, So will the Child
Posted by Droolees Ed Team on
Last month we begged the question of what education actually means. We ended on the premise that the role of education is to form a harmonious development of the mental, spiritual, and physical person, with the positive formation of character being the main focus. Why is actively engaging in our child's formation of a positive character so important anyway? There is a saying that there is "No U-Haul at the end of a hearse". That profound statement simply means that no matter how many material items a person acquires in this life, it cannot be taken with them once...
Nature or Nurture
Posted by Droolees Ed Team on
“No…no…”, is what I witness many toddlers saying to their parents. “Ha Ha…how cute,” is the response. “He will grow out of it…” The reality is…he won’t. Character is not developed by chance. Even though one outburst of a child does not mean that he will eventually become a menace to society, few realize that character is formed by the repetition of acts, which in turn becomes habits. Habits are what mold the character either for good or for evil. Babies are naturally selfish. It is in their nature. It is our moral makeup. Therefore in order to develop a...
A Greater Treasure
Posted by Droolees Ed Team on
What is the only treasure children can take with them into adulthood and beyond? It is the only treasure worth more than silver or gold. It does not consist of mental ability nor genius. It is unaffected by various panics or failures. Integrity of character, firm principles, and sound morals are the greatest want of the world today. Your child properly trained will be the influence that the world will seek after. One’s true character is a quality of the soul which reveals itself in everyday life. Such traits as integrity, firmness, and perseverance are dispositions that cannot be bought...
Paper Chasing
Posted by Droolees Ed Team on
As an adult, you have probably noticed how certain habits in your life today were habits you had when you were a child. You might be thankful for the good habits and regret the bad ones, nevertheless, we can recognize the power of our actions even at a young age. One habit that has been a part of my life now is how I manage my money. I remember when I was younger, my parents were careful on how they spent their money. They were simple people, never looking for the latest gadget or best clothing brand. Even until this...